How to Smoke Potatoes in an Electric Smoker

How to Quit Smoking

Smoking is an addictive habit that can lead to a number of health problems, ranging from various types of cancer to high blood pressure and heart disease. It's also difficult to quit. Luckily, there are several options to try if you're looking to stop smoking as soon as possible.


One method many people find to be helpful when they quit smoking is counseling or therapy. According to the American Cancer Society, it's one of the more successful methods, especially when combined with one of the others. Fortunately, there are many options when it comes to counseling. Doctors and other medical professionals can meet with you to discuss your options and help keep you on track. Therapists can also help you come up with a plan, recognize your triggers and come up with ways to stop yourself from picking up a cigarette. You can receive counseling via phone through organizations like the American Cancer Society or the American Lung Association. You may even find support groups for smokers in your area where you can attend meetings once a week or several times a month.


Another option is to talk to your doctor about medications you can take to help you stop smoking. According to WebMD, products like bupropion and varenicline can help prevent cravings and even help curtail withdrawal symptoms. According to the American Cancer Society, medications may also help block the impact of nicotine on the brain. These are prescription medications, however, so you'll need to talk to your doctor first.

Nicotine Replacement

Speaking of nicotine, some people quit by using nicotine replacement products, like gums and patches. Many of them are available over the counter at your local pharmacy. You can talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to use them if you have questions, and when used properly, they may help you fight nicotine withdrawal symptoms, according to the American Cancer Society. There are also inhalers and nasal sprays made with nicotine that are available via prescription.

Combination Plan

Because smoking is highly addictive, you may find that just one way of quitting doesn't help. In this case, talk to your doctor or counselor about trying multiple options at once. You might choose to chew nicotine gum, attend counseling and take medication. Just make sure your combination methods won't interfere with each other; that's why talking with your doctor is important.

Cold Turkey

According to WebMD, 90 percent of people who try to quit smoking do so without using any kind of additional help. This cold turkey method only works permanently about five to seven percent of the time, but it is possible, notes WebMD. The U.S. government recommends making a plan when you quit, especially if you do it cold turkey. Find ways to stay busy, like exercising, watching movies and spending time with friends who don't smoke. Identify your smoking triggers and stay away from them. That may mean spending more time with non-smokers, throwing out any smoking-related materials you own, switching up your routine and spending time in places where smoking isn't allowed. Figure out another way to spend time on breaks at work. Also, remind yourself why you're quitting. Maybe you want to get healthy or you want to live longer for your kids' sake. Most importantly, stay positive, even on the bad days.

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How to Smoke Potatoes in an Electric Smoker


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